Lead Magnet Options
[00:00:00] Sarah Noel Block: Lead magnet options. Let's look at all of the me lead magnet options for each section of the funnel.
[00:00:08] Sarah Noel Block: So this is a video that will be available to you in your textbook, so make sure to watch it is brilliant. But now let's get into. Lead magnets by funnel, top of funnel, a k a list building. This is just trying to grow your list. Viral giveaways are a great way. There are some tools that I will share with you in this course that will show you how to create a really viral giveaway, eBooks, swipe files or templates You probably have already created swipe files and.
[00:00:50] Sarah Noel Block: For your own business, now you can use them to generate leads. Content upgrades are another great way to do it. So if your regular [00:01:00] content is a blog, let's say you are posting a weekly blog. You could do a content upgrade for that, where they can download a workbook version of it, where it's a PDF of that blog post and it but it comes with workbook sections these are your next steps.
[00:01:23] Sarah Noel Block: This is what you should be doing. And it could be fillable pdf, easy to do and easy to. A guide is another one. So you can compile a bunch of your blog posts or videos that are within the same topic and create a guide that's downloadable and then a quiz. People love quizzes. They love to learn more about themselves, and they're an awesome way to build top of funnel list building.
[00:01:55] Sarah Noel Block: Leads, however you wanna do it very strategically, make sure that [00:02:00] quiz leads people through to answers that are related to the solution that you provide. And also make sure that you're giving them a really big benefit from any of these lead magnets. But quizzes are another one, if you end the quiz and it's just like some generic blah, blah, blah.
[00:02:21] Sarah Noel Block: You want the quiz to end with, okay, you got this answer, and here's a video explaining what that answer means, and that's a way that you can build trust within your lead magnet. Next is middle of funnel. If you're aiming to get more middle of funnel content, they already know you exist and they're considering working with you.
[00:02:43] Sarah Noel Block: That would be middle of funnel lead magnet. These are what you'll want to consider. Partner. Webinars are a great way to do this. You get in front of a mirror audience for yourself and you're able to share that, but you are also able to share your webinar with your [00:03:00] own current audience. So you're basically doubling the size of the leads that you are creating in this middle of funnel range.
[00:03:10] Sarah Noel Block: A video course is another way to do this. You can email weekly a video teaching someone something and it's a nice way to be able to do that. Get that middle of funnel content, help them understand how you specifically solve their problem and move them towards that bottom of. A challenge is another way.
[00:03:33] Sarah Noel Block: So this would also be another weekly or daily email that goes out where you're challenging them to complete some sort of task or mission. And again, make sure that it's related to the solution that you provide. Bottom of funnel content. So this is a lead magnet that people have shortlisted. and they are [00:04:00] just about ready to buy, but they haven't hit that buy button yet.
[00:04:06] Sarah Noel Block: Buy button is in except proposal or purchase, whatever they end up doing when they're working with you. So bottom of funnel lead magnets could be a solo webinar, and this would be a solo sales webinar where you're teaching them 50% of the. of the way to solve their problem, and then you pitch your product as how to get the rest of the way there.
[00:04:34] Sarah Noel Block: Free consulting. A good 20 minute consult with someone can show people who are on the fringe of ready to buy from you that they are bing, they pushes them over the edge. , an audit could be really great. Let's say you are a content strategist or a website designer. Auditing someone's website live with them is a great way to build [00:05:00] trust and help them understand how you can solve their problem.
[00:05:03] Sarah Noel Block: And then last would be a free sample. So free consulting and an audit would be like the service version of a free sample. But if you have a product. A free sample could be one module of your course, or it could be a free bundle of a digital product that you offer. But yeah, it can work really well.
[00:05:30]Sarah Noel Block: So think of lead magnets in three buckets, top of funnel, middle of funnel, and bottom of funnel. While you want to focus primarily on top of funnel to be able to build your list and move people, move that top of funnel list through to the bottom. You also want to do a little bit of middle and bottom as well to be able to get those people who are right on the cusp of buying from you to move the needle and purchase.