Strategic Planning for 2022 with Bob Stanke

Every week, we host Marketing...a tiny bit smarter, where we provide actionable marketing tips that you can implement today. To get alerts for our next live show, subscribe to our channel.

Make your 2022 strategic business plan!

1. The importance of building a strategic plan for 2021 using an Agile approach

2. How to create a simple plan using the "1-2-3" approach

3. Talk about how companies and marketing departments who don't know what direction to go can do to move the needle


Bob Stanke

With over 20 years of experience in growth marketing, digital strategy, and technology, across numerous industries and companies of all sizes, I specialize in bringing a unique talent of design, development, and execution skills for implementing key operational, managerial, and leadership strategies for every project I work on. My strong leadership and communication skills, and focus on culture, has driven the creation of strong teams and have made myself a trusted member of senior leadership groups.

BONUS: Contact Bob at, let him know you heard him on the episode and want to learn more about how to plan for 2021 with an Agile approach and receive a complimentary 60-minute consultation!

Sarah Noel Block

Sarah is a full-stack digital marketer who specializes in working with tiny marketing departments to get big impact with your marketing department of one.

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