Ep. 87: 6 Steps to Market Less and Matter More to Your Dream Clients

Episode 87

How do you create your marketing engine?

Welcome to another episode of the Tiny Marketing podcast. This episode is part of our Uncut Summer series, where you get raw, unedited recordings from our interviews, webinars, and workshops. Today, I'm sharing a special recording from the Standout Show with Brad Powell. Brad, a video marketing coach, and his new co-host, personal brand expert Eva Chen, are launching their series "Market Less, Matter More." In this episode, I join them to discuss lean marketing strategies for B2B services, focusing on how to market less while mattering more to your audience.

We dive into filtering out ineffective marketing tactics and instead, building deeper, more meaningful connections with your ideal customers. I share my Tiny Marketing Flywheel, a streamlined approach that includes one dream client, one signature offer, one main social channel, one core content type, two lead generators, and one gateway offer. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you create a sustainable, profitable business without spending all your time on marketing.

Top 5 Takeaways:

  1. Focus on One Dream Client: Identify and understand your ideal customer deeply. Tailor your marketing strategy to serve this specific client, building strong relationships and trust.

  2. Develop a Signature Offer: Create a standout offer that you're known for. This simplifies your sales process and helps with revenue forecasting and building authority.

  3. Choose One Main Social Channel: Don't spread yourself thin. Focus on the social media platform where your ideal client spends most of their time and build relationships there.

  4. Commit to Core Content: Consistency is key. Choose a content type and a posting schedule you can stick to, whether it's a podcast, blog, or video series.

  5. Utilize Lead Generators and Gateway Offers: Implement both passive and active lead generators to continuously attract new leads. Use gateway offers to build trust and smoothly transition leads into higher-value offers.

Action Steps:

  1. Define Your Dream Client: Start by interviewing your favorite clients or potential clients. Understand their biggest challenges, goals, and where they spend their time online.

  2. Create and Promote Your Signature Offer: Develop an offer that solves a significant problem for your dream client. Use this as the focal point of your marketing efforts.

  3. Implement the Flywheel Strategy: Use the Tiny Marketing Flywheel—one dream client, one signature offer, one main social channel, one core content type, two lead generators, and one gateway offer. Refine and improve this strategy based on client feedback and results.

By following these steps and focusing on meaningful connections over mass marketing, you'll create a more sustainable and impactful business. For more detailed guidance, listen to the full episode and explore the Tiny Marketing Club for personalized support.


Access the full replay video here.


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